Saturday, August 1, 2009


After a series of long hours battle with my philosophy text/notes, I'm done! Finished all the chapters. Not fully prepared yet. But should be around 90% ready. Yes, it's 1am @ Saturday morning, approximately 1 more day to Finals, 7 more weeks of college life. Time passed so fast. Real damn fast. My preparation for exams? Well, 90% of philosophy, 50% of calculus and 0% of physics. Never mind then. Life is short, have fun and die as a happy man.

They did ask what's the point of taking elective subjects. Besides wasting money, do u really gain more knowledge? Are you really going to use that? Well, I learn more in these elective subjects than science/math. At least our perspective of life and how we view things are different. Subjects like religion/philosophy/psychology really do help even though you can't remember much.

I mean, study is one thing. Have fun is another thing. I came up with a very good statement lately, " screw the exams, you'll be having exams/tests/quiz for the following years. at least for 3-4 more years. enjoy your life and take every chances that you're given. friendship, love, hobbies, entertainment, etc."

OK. So what's my aim for this time? For the finals? I have no ideas. All B would be ok. I mean, I'll try to have fun in the process. Fun of "studying", in terms of study 2 hours, rest for 3 hours! LOL. I will try not to regret after getting the results. hahahaha.

Holiday is coming. 3 weeks long. I'm so gonna use it fully. Vacation with family, jamming with friends and so on. huhuhuhu...

My interests lately:
  1. guitar
  2. photography
  3. diet
1. Been practising everyday since Monday. At least half an hour. Tried tons of songs, try to improve myself, but got myself a slight blisters over fingers. Damn.

2. Been checking ways to snap nice shots. Still exploring my camera. Will definitely use it during holiday.

3. Try to get back my fitness. Hurt my back last week. Tried something different nowadays. Due to the stomach fats that I'm having which I'm so unsatisfied with it, been running on the treadmills for 30 minutes for 2 days. Will push myself for a 35 minutes run soon. Found out that stomach fats is the hardest to burn. Need at least 40-60 minutes for 6 days per week of running. Found new motivation, songs from Hey Monday and Paramore just keep me running for 30 minutes!

Hey Monday


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