Saturday, May 9, 2009


Can you think of any moment in your life that you're actually proud of yourself? Try to think of one. Something like you won a prize because of your hard work, or, you fixed something all by yourself? Anyway, I'm so proud of myself now! The feeling of achieving something - I finished 16 questions of Calculus3! LOL.

Been sketching these cylinders for the whole afternoon. Target was to finish half of it but somehow there was this sudden urge of finishing it, plus, the determination which came out of nowhere. Maybe it's the ad that I saw over the magazine yesterday.


Maybe this drives me to work and finish it all at once. Some of the questions were driving me nuts. And no answers were given. So, I just did my best and sketched it out. Hope they are all correct because it make sense from what I can see. No body says that it got to be all correct. After all, it's homework. Where mistakes can be made and you learn from it. LOL

used up quite some time to think about this bloody fool

Calculus 3 is actually quite challenging. Not to say hard. It's just that you need to imagine shapes and sketch it out. At some points, it's actually quite fun. Hmm. Gonna study philosophy and physics later on. I did not expect philosophy to be that hard. Need to think a lot of things. "What is life?" "Why are we here?"

SIGH. Come on don't give up! Go go go.

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