Anyway, I've just played 3 hours of Kane & Lynch. Bloody this game got me so addicted. I like the storyline so much. Kahwei did you play you bloody game addict? LOL. Bought it this afternoon along with Left4Dead. Not a very good time to play some addictive game huh.
Right. I went for a facial treatment this afternoon. Was forced to do so. Mum was complaining about my face. Yea. Kind of funny to hear a guy going for facial? It takes courage though. It was freaking pain when your pimples are squeezed out by force. I don't know how to explain. Just imagine you're lying on the platform for 1 and half hour where the girl was just squeezing and squeezing. Felt like a tiny scorpion was injected to you face and it ran around stinging you all over the face. Or something like, a stranger pinching your forehead using two forks instead of the fingernails. Blood was all over but then, cream was applied on it. Imagine this- you have a new cut wound and you go for a shower. Woohoo fuhlamak.
It wasn't the first time. But it was nice to have a pretty face back. LOL. I guess many people are trying to get rid of those acne all the time. Anyway, I tried to move away my attention of feeling pain. So, I was thinking and thinking about everything for that one hour plus.
ART105 A | A- |
MAT133 A | C+ |
PHY211 A | B- |
REL200 A | A- |
1) My exam results. I felt funny about it. Getting 2 A- still felt unsatisfied. I think it's mainly because of my physics. And I manually calculated the results I got for my final. LOL.
2) Friends. I've got bunch of crazy friends in college. I mean friends with different personalities. There are those who are talkative, quiet, crazy, smart, annoying in someway, funny and etc. It's good to have them. But I've been thinking, what's my role in their lives? Do I actually help out alot? Or I'm just plainly useless? I don't know. LOL. People always leave. If I'm really going on January (Swine flu -AH1N1- is holding me back for now), I won't be seeing most of them. About 9 of them would be going to the same universities. Yea. That's it. Will you cry? Because you can't see them? I know they will cry because they can't see me! LOL. We'll see.
And when you think and think. Time passed and there it finished. 2 hours has just passed. LOL.
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