"Change will not come if we wait for some person or some time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. It's not just enough to change the players. You have to change the game. "

Yes. It's so true.
I was browsing through some magazines right after my work out session and pick up one of those business magazines. Found this very interesting page with the above quotes and I actually memorized it. Obama said it in one of his speeches. Every time when I heard what he said, somehow I have this goosebumps going on. Somehow just feel like having tears running down because what he said is really encouraging and motivated. I remember one of the quotes sounds like this:
"...... The road ahead is steep. It doesn't just take one year or one term. But we- as people of America ...... "
I bet he had a good PublicSpeaking101 lecturer during his schooling times. LOL. Speaking of change, I am, indeed, starting to change my view of studying. My view of becoming how I should be and the ideal "me". First getting homeworks done. Then tried my best to do better in quiz/test. Somehow when I finished my Calculus work yesterday night, even though spending up to 2 or 3 hours per day, I felt satisfied.
I'm glad that I take my first step by getting 2/2% for my Physics quiz. First time of having such a good start. Hope I can do that as well for my Calculus. I never score anything more than B-, which is one of the reasons behind that drives me to work hard, not to give up. And another reason of working hard, is to show to some people that I actually can do better than them. Not those of grade A, but those that are very close to my standard. I know I can beat them by my determination. I will not give up, I will not stop at some point and thinking above quitting. When I'm in my highest state of confidence level, no one can pull me down.

But one thing that annoys me at the moment, is the nuts in Philosophy class. And Philosophy itself being a bloody nut for me. I somehow just find it hard. Find Socrates as annoying as some of the classmates. Classmates just don't talk before they think. Can't blame them. They're still freshmen. But sometimes when they talk (after using their brains), they do make some strong points that somehow I just couldn't think of. You know what's the importance of studying Philosophy? To develop thinking writing listening and speaking skill. "Critical thinking questions". I have a good one. What is good? Good for you doesn't mean good for me. How to define good? How you know something is good. Your results are good? Mine is good as well. But when they're compared, yours is good or mine is good because I think mine is good.
Thinking of giving up?

I had this secondary school teacher encouraged us by saying, "Don't give up. 50 more meters and you are done with the race. Push yourself till the end."
Yes. Yes. I will not turn back. Even though the following results will not affect my application of universities. Even though no one would care less if I even pass my Physics and Calculus. But all that I care, it's just that I do my best and catch you up from behind. And finish up my race.
After all, we are born and gifted with legs not just to walk, not just to stand, nor to run. But legs are given, so that we can fall at some time, get up, and start everything all over again- where the aim is to dash forward and finish up the race.
seriously...u work very hard dis semester...i can feel de pressure d...lol..
ReplyDeleteu don bullshit thr i tell u..
ReplyDeletehaha.. since when ure stress??
but i take a day off d.. LOL..