My heart sank thousands feet under. To a world which is made by glass. With an addition of the speed of a free fall, I'm completely devastated. The impact could not be calculated, for it has no constant, no numbers, no nothing. The height of the drop is immeasurable, just as my love to you is immeasurable. Sometimes it might be cold, for there will not be fire always in a relationship. But commitment takes it all.
My tears slept with me all night long. Even after 5 hours of sleep, I woke, and started crying for 3 times. Trying to convince myself it's just a bad dream, but it's not. Nothing will ever be the same anymore. What is done, it's done. What is said, it's been said. Living with you for the past 591 days have been awesome. There was fight of course, but we cheered each other up every time.
Sometimes we don't know how much we will lose until we have lost it. Time is precious, because it is. If appreciation is not taken earlier, everything will be just too late. We took a decision for what's best for both of us. As one-sided love will not last because "I love you" needed to be said by 2 persons. Will this really be the end? End of everything? I don't know. But one thing I know for sure, is that I miss you. And I still love you.
I miss all the moments where we hold each other. Laughed and played a fool. It's all now down to memories. Sweet one. The feelings are still strong in me. It felt like just yesterday when I said, "would you be my girlfriend?". But everything might be too late now. I can't run back to yesterday, and the day before, the week before, to fix everything. Till I see you then. And thank you for being so patient all the while even though I might not make into the list of Perfect Boyfriends.
My tears slept with me all night long. Even after 5 hours of sleep, I woke, and started crying for 3 times. Trying to convince myself it's just a bad dream, but it's not. Nothing will ever be the same anymore. What is done, it's done. What is said, it's been said. Living with you for the past 591 days have been awesome. There was fight of course, but we cheered each other up every time.
Sometimes we don't know how much we will lose until we have lost it. Time is precious, because it is. If appreciation is not taken earlier, everything will be just too late. We took a decision for what's best for both of us. As one-sided love will not last because "I love you" needed to be said by 2 persons. Will this really be the end? End of everything? I don't know. But one thing I know for sure, is that I miss you. And I still love you.
I miss all the moments where we hold each other. Laughed and played a fool. It's all now down to memories. Sweet one. The feelings are still strong in me. It felt like just yesterday when I said, "would you be my girlfriend?". But everything might be too late now. I can't run back to yesterday, and the day before, the week before, to fix everything. Till I see you then. And thank you for being so patient all the while even though I might not make into the list of Perfect Boyfriends.
ReplyDeletesorry to hear that...
hope u will be fine soon...