[The "Thriller" dance crew]The group pictures above were awesome. Especially the 1st one, we do look like a dance group. A pro dance group but the truth is, no one other than Justin(white glove) can really dance. haha. We had fun on off the stage. My experience on the stage was, cool. We are like robots which are programmed to the music and the steps. When the music played, we don't even have the time to think of the next move. Everything just flowed and within a few seconds, it was done. People commented that it was good. I don't know. I need to see the video! Because I heard they said I looked funny.

I know Chew will be sad even if he got drawn and got some prizes. Just a few seconds before his number is called, he said to us, "I don't want this prize. Small prize. Must wait until the end when they call for big prize then it's mine." Well, he got this small prize right after he made his staement.

Yann feels like dancing too :)

A magic show by David Blaine's student. Can't remeber his name. I always find that magic is just a trick. And it is. A great event to sum up Orientation Night.
I know I'm as good as Joker.
Fangkai just got back from jungle trekking.
Nate looks scary and dirtyHow to use a "sword"? 1) you can threaten your friend for whatever reason 2) kill yourself and see the God of death 3) kill your friend and then kill yourself?

Took pictures after the dance. We all looked as dirty as before. The only difference was the sweat, and more sweat, more smell. More oily.

Before the dance, make up in lecture hall. Sadly, costumes were not provided. So, we just had to wear all black. We're supposed to look dead and mummified and zombiefied and dirtified. And I guess we did.

WOMAN and MAN. Found this theme in my phone and I just snapped around. You can pose as an "agua" like Fangkai. Or pose as couple and friends. Trust me, it's so fun to snap around when they've got no idea how will they look like. You just got to say, "Come let's take a picture, later I show you something."
Hanlim with his camera. He looks so happy. haha

When we finished our dance practice in the afternoon, we found some crazy stuff to do. "Till fall do us apart". Eventually, we did move in clockwise for a few seconds before it all crumbled up.
Finally it's all over. First time staying in college for more than 12 hours. Morning- class. Afternoon- try out for CCS fashion show outfit, dance practice, hang around in college. Night- performance, photo session, went back.
*For best reading, start from the bottom of the post.
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