Well, sort of. My happening days actually started right around Friday 4pm. Was sleeping for the whole morning. LoL. Watched GI Joe. It was absolutely amazingly fantastic. It's been awhile since I watched some action-packed movies. This is really worth my RM12. Because Sienna Miller is so hot.. huhu..

Celebrated Ben's birthday. Meet some new friends. Had dinner at Italiannies. Didn't expect to be there but luckily brought enough money. Went to pool after that. Damn. I haven't study for my last paper- MPW.
Got home quite late. Studied for awhile. Sleep.
And got to college this morning. Something quite embarrassing happened. I mean, not really. Cafeteria was full somehow. I saw a table with a bag and just sat there. A girl came. Along with one of her friends, and another friend. They were like, "who's this?" The girl said,"Nothing la, just tumpang table only."
Three girls were talking and I was sitting right at the end. Sipping my hot milo slowly. And walked away after that (without realising I was carrying the wrong water bottle). Well, screw it. LoL.
Finished the 3 hours paper early. Someone was late for the paper. Yes. BoonHan was just in time. Paper starts at 8am he reached at 9am. And we all just had this unplanned plan. Went to send Liwei off at airport. Fortunately we made it in time. Thanks to Ryan and Boon. Both were car racing and competing all the way till KLIA. I won't say who wins but someone just won. I think.
Basically it was like a road trip for us. Been in the car for at least 3 hours. Fangkai got bored I guess. It was supposed to be a guitar jamming session at Ryan's place. Poor Fangkai just sat there and played the laptop. 4 people (me, boon, ryan, fangkai) with 6 guitars! We were so high. Reached climax of the climax. Sang til crazy, play til crazy. Overall it was just damn so freaking fun. If only we were better. hahaha.
Holiday just started. Let the fun begins babeh! woohoo!! and yes, Sienna Miller is still hot! :)

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