23rd Dec: Supposedly to be a farewell dinner for Mr Jafni and all the students who are flying off to America. But less than half of the ex-committees and current committees of ICSJ Film Club turned up. Nevertheless we all had fun.

Certificate of Appreciation. Vice President and one of the co-founders of ICSJ Film Club. We didn't do much as it was a short semester when the club is formed. Well, except for the Starlight Movie Screening which I think was quite a successful event as we managed to achieve our objectives.

Shot of the year. Trying to protect his certificate even when he's eating. Look at the hanging noodle. hahaha.

Stoning. Moments before we were locked at 9th floor. Well, we thought we were. Thanks for the shooting at 9th floor. It was a total random idea for making a horror clip as the hallway looks creepy. Security guards thought nobody was there anymore and locked down all the lifts. Luckily one of the doors leading to staircase was still open. We wouldn't want to spend a night at 9th floor.
24th Dec: Had bakkutteh for lunch before heading to Pyramid for YannHuoy and Thingyan's birthday celebration. Pyramid is becoming a pathetic place. Out of nowhere pops out a Ferris Wheel. And having a small theme park for small kids is a complete joke. It's so freakin obvious that only money matters. The mall is becoming very unorganized. Who knows we will be having a circus or a swimming pool soon.

I could spend another RM599 on my LX3 (wide angle converter) and make this shot better. But that wouldn't be necessary I guess.
26th Dec: Spent about 4 hours packing my luggage. It's one of the hardest process. Some people like to bring more clothing. Some may like to bring more shampoos, food, books, tons of stationery and papers. For me, I'm not very sure. Take a guess.
Lastly, Happy Anniversary to my darling. It's been 2 years and 7 months? This will be the last one we spent here. For the next few months, the timing will be abit out but you have to follow my time (US timing)! hehehe. Seeing you soon! xoxo
The old times when we both still look like bitches. HAHAHA. Please dont kill me for posting this picture up. It's hilarious though. Happy Anniversary!