Here am I in Starbucks blogging again. Was supposed to study. Well, at least get my physics done in the noon. But my itchy hands and sleepy eyes allowed me to start surfing and blogging. Not a very good choice Mr Emmanuel!
Anyway I was kinda lazy to blog. Too many things happened in the past few days. I'll just summarize what happened then.
Mystical Illusion promo vidFirst on the list would be the video. For those who didn't know, it was a very last minute work from Joshan, for Intiball. Of course I got the benefit which is getting a 50% discount of my ticket. Work for almost a day to finish up the whole video. We start from nothing and successfully made it a 5 minutes Intiball Promo vid. Fangkai was the one who did the opening "Magical/Illusion" part whereas I'll finish up the video with a "masquerade ball" setting.
Intiball 2009
Thinking of what to wear is not easy. I am very choosy and picky and always wanna look good on events. Even though I spent quite a big sum of money(unintentionally got myself 3 shirts) getting dressed up, but still, it is cheaper than those who got themselves a tux/blazer/suit. And overall, I feel very comfortable of what I wear. Because I like to be different than the others. (that's one of the reason why I'm not putting a black/white theme) :p
i need a full length mirror in my room lahLooking for the vest everywhere in pyramid. Ended up getting in a so called "lala" shop. But I think it's not bad, looks classy, price cheap. And I'm not wearing for the nomination of best dressed or whatsoever, I wear for what I think I look the best. Need to clarify that first. But sadly BoonHan said I looked like a photographer. Damn.
first driver of the evening. waited for him almost 1 hour!
ladies looked pretty
yann looked pretty alsoSpeaking bout the event itself is rather sad. I missed the chance of taking pictures with lecturers, and, almost missed the chance of our video premiere. We were late. OR should I say we reached just in time? Also, the MC was annoying. I just can't stand his voice somehow. And the programs, sadly did not attract me much. I think most of us just paid that RM90 for photoshooting sessions with friends. LoL.
guys with vests
ryan with his luxurious suit
in case u don't know how a pimp looks like, see BoonHan.
i spotted her across!
Before she was crowned,
and after she was crowned! we voted u carissa!Prom queen: Carissa Gan

Daryl's BumbleBee who got me home safely. hehehe
Got back home very late. The clock showed 4 a.m. when I wanted to sleep. Yes, I did not go clubbing, but to mamak for supper. Happy Birthday I said to myself. Zzz . . .
Birthday18-07-2009 is the day where Man Utd played against Malaysia XI. I sold my ticket few days ago. I don't see the point of going there and waited a few hot hours and get flooded in the crowds. Once in a lifetime seeing them play in Malaysia for a cheap RM98? No thanks. My birthday worth more than that RM98.
Sad thing was that I don't get to celebrate with my friends. Wanted to have a dinner with them initially but somehow no one is free so we cancelled it. Promised myself to study at night but, it's just a say, action- none. Thanks to those who wished me earlier that Friday night. Those buggers sing me song in the ballroom itself. It's embarrassing though. Got a group hug and a kicked on my balls from BoonHan. THANK YOU VERY MUCH BUT I HAVE BALLS OF STEEL.
Speaking of birthday wishes, there's some very special and memorable one. Even though bunch of friends wished me in Facebook but I only remember those who say some things like:
"Happy Birthday! I'm the first to wish you!" -RyanYeo "Happy birthday bro! Don eat to much cake k. Later u must go gym everyday and 8 hours a day for 1 month. Haha." -Ben "Happy Bday bro.. To many more years of Fifa-ing! cheers B-)" -PaulIssac "... I send u a bday wish on 0718 0718pm.. All de bez 2 u.. N b happy owayz although u r getting old XD" -KaYee "Emma happy birthday! u old liao. XD haha.. this is a specal gift for u 'Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be terrified. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9' God Bless you!" -Lyn "Happy Birthday" -YannHuoy (at 11.5Xpm, the last to wish) Last but not least, a handmade card from girlfriend. Details cant be given out of course. hahaha.I spent almost 10 hours with girlfriend. She woke me up from my sleep at 9a.m. We went to watch HarryPotter. The whole point of the movie is just Professor Snape saying,"I'm the half blood prince."

Went to YogurBerry and took some shots. And some in the car as well. She got home by 7ish. Spent the whole night for what I also cant remember. Online. Upload tons of pictures. That's all. Somebody asked me, "What are you doing online in your birthday night? You should out partying!" Well, what can I say. LOL.

Sometimes she's jealous that I spend too much time with friends. But I did give her the best day for both of us. We did not go out for quite some time. I enjoyed my birthday! It could have been better if there's some celebration with friends at night though. DAmn you, Man Utd. Malaysia Boleh!! Thank you Yahya for scoring 2 goals against ManUtd! hehehe.
Oh ya, before signing off, my present gifts were a watch from parents (few days earlier, was surprised to get it), and a shoebag(desperately in need for training shoes, thanks girlf!).